Darren Baker takes a look at the LKW 7T GL LARS2 from Hobby Boss in 1/35th scale.
W-Model Soviet vehicles
Two new 1/72 resin kits coming from W-Model in April, the KU-RLK NEBO-M Command Vehicle and a SU-152 Obj. 120 TARAN
Approaching to the City, Kharkov 1943
Ayhan Toplu built a diorama of Third Battle of Kharkov, 1st SS Panzer Division, February 1943. Models used ; Border Model - BT-001 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.G Mid/Late and Evolution Miniatures - 35193 German Tankmen and Panzergrenadier, 35202 German Officer Kharko...
Tiger II Cutaway with Crew
The base kit was the Meng King Tiger and interior set and the crew is the Stalingrad figures set. This was combined with several different aftermarket sets such as PE schurzen, metal barrel, ATAK Zimmerit, PE details and more.
ModelNerd Builds the Tiger I Early Snow Camouflage
Full build, painting, and weathering of Tamiya's Tiger I Early model kit, painted in a German Grey and white splinter camouflage scheme. In a future video I'll be building a small diorama for this tank using some of Precision Ice and Snow's ice sheet prod...
Takom 1/16 Panzer IA
This project depicts a Panzer IA DAK 1941. I used a Panzer I Ausf.A. A 1/16 kit from Takom, and I did the following additions.
ZSU-23-4M Shilka
Darren Baker takes a look at the ZSU-23-4M Shilka in 1/35th scale from Zvezda.
Austin Armoured Car 1918 Pattern British Service
Darren Baker takes a look at the Austin Armoured Car 1918 Pattern from MiniArt in 1/35th scale.
Panther Ausf.A Early
Meng Model has a new kit in the works. Check out the company's press release!
Operation Banner
Mitches Military Models adds two more figure kits to its series featuring British Army units that served in Northern Ireland during the 1970s / 80s.
Aktiv ST4 Snow Trac
Scorpion Miniature Models released three new full resin kits in 1/35 scale, all variants of Aktiv ST4 Snow Trac, a line of VW-powered snow vehicles made in Sweden from 1957 through 1981.
Tamiya Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf.G
Tamiya announces a new Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf.G at 1/35
Pz.Kpfw.iv Ausf. J Nibelungenwerk Late Production (Jan-Feb 1945)
Darren Baker takes a look at Pz.Kpfw.iv Ausf. J Nibelungenwerk Late Production (Jan-Feb 1945), from MiniArt in 1/35th scale.
The Patton tank goes to war
The old Tamiya Patton done as US Marine Vietnam era.
T-Rex Studio Clamps Pro for German WWII Panzer
A Review of T-Rex Studio set of 3D printed tool clamps for German WWII vehicles.