Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
Adie Roberts gets the chance to review the LifeColor painting guide Vol 3. to see if it is better than the previous two guides or maybe not
ETA Diorama Accessories announced their September releases.
"All are past and gone" Tiger 1 in North Africa, 1943, a stunning piece of work from the skilled hand of modelling friend Joe Lo
Kit 24085 opens the series of the kits dedicated to the subject of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 1/24 scale.
Stalingrad released a new set of figures depicting German troops from 1941.
Czech Hetzer, Prague 1945, Hetzer in use with the Czech Resistance fighters during the Prague uprising in 1945 from modeller who needs no introduction stunning work Adam Wilder
Two of the old DEF Model wheel sets for Humvees are now upgraded.
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/35 #38049 Tempo A400 Lieferwagen, Vegetable Delivery Van
Takahiro is one of the best model diorama makers and he produces some incredible work and this is no exception Time to Run! is another of his outstanding works
Here we get a look at the Unimog S 404 in 1/35th scale from ICM and a dedicated paint set release.
AFV Modeller released number of sets for large scale STuG from Das Werk, This time the company offers a comprehensive upgrade for STuG driver's compartment.
Another release from DEF covers German Sd.kfz.251 Half-Track Front Sagged Wheel Set.
DEF Model released a new set of wheels for JLTV from I Love Kit.
New CCKW-353 Radiator grill and Rifle gun rack for this vehicle and Jeep
New kit of the power supply unit used for the V-2 launching
Osprey is releasing four new titles in November, dealing with battles in Stalingrad, East Germany and Burma.