'Tankart 1' 3rd edition, German armor, by Michael Rinaldi and Lester Plaskitt.
This is the third edition of the very successful Tankart series of step by step guides to modelling, and is easily a "must have" for Axis modelling. The book brings together several techniques and explains how to apply each in a clear, logical fashion. The images and text are mutually supportive, and break it down to simple steps that even a novice like myself can follow (and not stuff up, but that remains to be seen).
In summary, I'd purchased several Tamiya Modelling Magazines for articles by either author on a subject of particular interest, but have this as it brings a lot together and more in depth than the five pages in a magazine. Very recommended.
The subjects are covered over numerous pages, anything up to 30 pages, depending on which techniques are being applied, and there is something there for everyone, be it tanks or "soft-skins". About my only critique is that there is almost nothing on figures save a scant couple of pages. That may be the subject of a future title...
And, I've not read this book cover to cover, there is way too much words here, and the images are clear and self-explanatory.
Some images.
Contents and Vehicles Covered

Your model could look like this, too

Eye candy

You start to get an idea of the depth of this sbs...

Not a repost

Don't let your Panther have different track tension... before painting. Naked eye candy?

My fave (after the Tiger 1)

Another improvised mount