BOOK REVIEW - The Vietnam War: A Military History
Review of Defending Normandy 1B, a detailed study of German Divisions on the Cotentin peninsula from Panzerwrecks.
OPERATIVO INDEPENDENCIA - Vol 2: Guerilla War, The 1976 Coup D'État, and the Dirty War in Argentina
SECOND ARAKAN 1943-44 - Shattering the Myth of Japanese Invincibility in Burma, Tim Moreman
DOGWOOD, A National Guard Unit's War In Iraq, Andrew Wiest
Crescent Dawn, The Rise of the Ottoman Empire and the Making of the Modern Age, Si Sheppard
A review of Schiffer's photo album of the 1st Waffen SS Division in Greece, 1940
The siege of Leningrad was the longest ever endured by a modern city, and the deadliest siege in recorded history. It lasted for nearly 900 days, from late August 1941 to late January 1944, bringing unparalleled hardship to the population. Out of over thr...
Bill Cross reviews Geoffrey Wawro's terrific new history of the Vietnam War.
A review of the latest Panzerwrecks volume, Battle of the Bulge 2.
Tankograd is never one to get left behind and I know that their publications are often in demand and so with the release of Leopard 2A7V The World’s Best Main Battle Tank get your order in fast.
The German Panzerwaffe ripped up the rulebooks of war that had been laid down by the grinding slaughter of the trenches of World War I. Attrition and overwhelming odds blunted the opportunities for advances, but with increasingly powerful weaponry, the P...
Paperback book by Massimiliano Afiero in Casemate Illustrated series at 128 Pages, 7 x 10 in, photographs, maps and artwork.
Here we look at a book from Scale it covering the painting of two figures that are also available in 1/3th and 1/12th scale from them.
A dramatic retelling of the final years of the Western Roman Empire and the downfall of Rome itself from the perspective of the Roman general Stilicho and Alaric, king of the Visigoths, authored by Don HOLLWAY; 386 pages with 8 pages of colour plates.
Here we take a look at a Scale it release from Plastic Invasion covering a 1/35 Field Repair Workshop diorama by Kreangkrai Poajinda
'WW2 Vehicles Through the Lens' is a new series of photographic albums presenting military and civilian vehicles used by the military during World War Two. Each book will have six-eight parts, each dealing with a different subject featuring mostly previou...