Full title is: Tank Craft 39: Sherman Medium Tank (Paperback), Canadian, New Zealand and South African Armies, Italy 1943–1945.
Description: The Sherman tank served with most Allied armies during the Second World War and it is justly famous for the role it played in the Normandy landings and the subsequent drive into Germany. But the part played by the British commonwealth armoured units in the Italian campaign is less well known and in his latest volume in the TankCraft series Dennis Oliver uses wartime photos, extensively researched text and highly-detailed colour illustrations to cover the Sherman tanks of the Canadian, New Zealand and South African armies that battled their way up the Italian peninsula. Although it was often out-gunned by its opponents the Sherman’s ability to handle the worst terrain and its mechanical reliability ensured that it was at the forefront of every battle and contributed greatly to the final Allied victory. Examined in this book are both the 75mm armed version and the potent tank killer referred to toady as the Firefly, as well as a number of little-known field modifications. A large part of this work showcases available model kits and aftermarket products, complemented by a gallery of beautifully constructed and painted models in various scales. Technical details as well as modifications introduced during production and in the field are also examined, providing everything the modeller needs to recreate an accurate representation of these historic vehicles.
Some basics: 64 pages, 100 colour and 100 monochrome images, tables, colour profiles of tanks, soft back, well a stiff card really, profile format.
This book is chock full of information from cover to cover, despite the narrowly defined title, as it relates to modelling the Sherman, there is plenty here to read, refer to, and like. I particularly like how the subject is covered and referenced with period images and explanations as to method, tools, after-market parts used, and images to match.
The section, 'modelling products', covers those products used in the book; the section, 'technical details and modifications' is a very concise summary of basic modifications done to the Sherman, as entire books either have been or could be committed to both subjects, such is the life span and breadth of the Sherman.
Images are clear and bountiful, and serve to illustrate the text well.
I'm hard-pressed to find a criticism, such is the thorough treatment of the subject material and quality of the contents.
Easily recommended to modelers looking for a single publication as reference for the Sherman, as it is easily larger in scope than the title suggests.
Front cover

Back cover

One of several pages of colour profiles, complete with explanation.

Close up images of detail (& quality of work) in the modelling section.

A particularly attractive marking option...

the real deal

looks familiar from box art

oh, I almost forgot, there is text, too, and a table.