A review of the new edition of Panzer Tracts Vol. 15-1, dealing with this well known German WWII halftrack.

Panzerwrecks continues to update and reprint the volumes of Panzer Tracts. The latest is 15-1, dedicated to the Leichter Schützenpanzerwagen (Sd.Kfz. 250) Ausf A and B.

The original book was already an excellent reference for this light half-track, and now it has been further improved. As with all re editions in the series, a better binding has been added and it is printed on high quality glossy paper, perfect for photo reproduction.  This new edition has 12 extra pages and five new photos.

The images have been rescanned, the text uses a new font that is very clear to read and the page layout has been updated, with a much more modern look.

The book is now 96 pages long, fully utilised as the index is on the inside front cover and on the back cover is a table of vehicle data.

Throughout the book there are numerous tables and pictures to support the text. The photos are excellent as usual, offering great detail and clarity. Of particular note are the many photos showing the interiors of most of the variants. The CAD drawings deserve a separate mention as well, 14 pages of detailed drawings of the main vehicles and variants, with five views each of top, side, front and rear.

Although well known, it is always important to note that authors Hilary Louis Doyle and Thomas L. Jentz relied solely on original documentation and direct measurements in preparing the book. 

This volume opens with an introduction describing the variants of the vehicle, their correct designation and how this evolved. The next two pages deal with the initial development, including the reference numbers of various component drawings. The third chapter is the description, with the technical characteristics as given in the 672/5 manual of 8 August 1940 and others.

The chapter on production details the production of armoured hulls as well as chassis, at the various sites to which they were assigned. Production dates and chassis numbers are specified. Details of armoured superstructure manufacturers and final assembly are also given, with various tables of production data. The fifth chapter deals with modifications, detailing what was changed and when. First difference is about the 250E and 250/Z superstructures, which will be shown also graphically on the drawings section.

From here, successive chapters deal with each of the variants produced: from 1 to 12. For each, characteristics, production data and unit organisation are given. All of this is accompanied by a number of high quality and clear photos, often including the interior. The photos are also of good size, half-page and even full-page, and accompanied by explanatory captions. In between these pages is the plans section, 14 pages with detailed 1:35 scale drawings of versions and variants so you can see the differences and check sizes.

Finally, the last chapter is organisation and strength, 20 pages with text and tables of unit layout and organisation. There are also several reports about its use and performance, it is always interesting to read the opinion of the soldiers who used it.

The book closes with a table of characteristics, printed on the inside back cover.


A welcome update to the original Panzer Tracts volume. It has a wealth of detailed information on the vehicles such as production and use as well as an excellent collection of photos and an extremely useful set of plans. An indispensable reference work on the Leichter Spw (Sd.Kfz. 250).



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