The 8th book of Theme collection is dedicated to painting World War II German soldiers. It covers painting different uniform types, and different camouflage patterns and also painting in different techniques.
The book is in A4 format and 84 pages.
It includes 11 articles from 6 different artists.

The book starts with a 1/35 scale World War II super diorama by Dan Capuano. Stalingrad - A fight to the last is a snowy scene of a ruined factory full of German and Russian soldiers. 29 photos and a well-detailed text explains how the artist created this scene, painted the factory and environment, applied snow and icicles, painted the figures. Color codes for fleshtones and uniforms are noted.

Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth paints 200 mm Heinz Guderian bust in Vallejo acrylics. 31 step by step photos as a very good tutorial. Process is explained in details on the text part for every part of the bust and color codes are given. 5 photos of the finished paintwork.

This time Ernesto paints a full figure, 120 mm Luftwaffe Ace Werner Mölders. A nice reference for painting leather jacket and blue uniform. 30 photos for the painting steps including the alternative head and 6 photos for the final.

A short article of 180 mm German 6th Army soldier bust of Life Miniatures painted by Christos Katselos. 6 finished photos and color codes for all parts.

Selu Casanova creates a small eye catcher diorama. He builds a snowy scene on a 16 x 10 cm base including all elements of a diorama;figures, vehicle, building and more.47 photos in numeric sequence supported with texts in numbers and color codes for all elements at the end of article. 6 photos for the full scene and close-ups.

Another great sbs for a big size full figure. Toshihiro Sano paints a large scale German figure in enamel paints. 70 photos in numbers and short texts with color recipes.

Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth paints another 180 mm bust of an SS soldier with panzerschreck. Nice article for painting Autumn Oak Leaf pattern. 6 photos and color codes.

Stelios Neofytidis paints 1/35 scale Waffen SS Grenadier and figure base. 17 photos and Vallejo color codes.

120 mm full figure of Max Wünsche painted by Christos Katselos in acrylic paints. A short historical note, color codes and 7 photos of the finished figure.

Selu Casanova shares another small scene with twofigures and a wall section. 6 photos and text with Vallejo colors artist used.

SS Gebirgsjager bust by Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth. 8 photos of the painted bust.