1:16 Aftermarket World War II M1 Helmets and Liners in 1/16 Scale Mario Matijasic Editor posted on 6 hours ago 492 views Steel Pot Studios has several sets of 3D printed M1 helmets in 1/16 scale. Check them out. YOUR REACTION? 17 AWESOME! 4 LOVED 2 NICE 2 HELPFUL 0 PASS SUPPORTER ADVERTISEMENT You may also like MG34 Gunner from Minisoldiers 0 0 0 Radio Operator for Sd.Kfz. in Large Scale 0 0 0 Rochambelles Women Figures 0 0 0 TEST BUILD! Monty’s office caravan 0 0 0 Scale 23: SPG KRAB Conversion 0 0 0 M1 Helmets and Liners in 1/16 Scale 0 0 0