Vespid Models continue to release stunning 1/72nd scale models, this time tackling the Maus II. To my knowledge there was only two or three Maus tanks built, with the one surviving example in Kublinka. I believe, but I am unsure, if this model is supposed to represent a production vehicle. But there a few differences from the Maus that I have limited knowledge of.
This offering from Vespid Models arrives in a cardboard box, with a card lid. The box did take some damage during transit, but the contents have arrived as intended by the manufacturer. The sprues are well laid out, with good access to the parts and good crisp detail is present.
Taking a look at the lower hull, there is a fair level of detail on the underside - but I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this detail. The steel wheels on this vehicle are well replicated, as is the suspension arms. But due to everything being individual pieces, you will need to take care and time during assembly. An observation involves the drive wheel of the vehicle, which the instructions indicates needs to be glued in position - I would recommend that due to the tracks being provided in link and length format, that you assemble the portions of the track that go around the drive wheel in order that you can get everything in the correct position for track fitment. The track guard side armour hold the other side of the drive and idler wheel, and so may result in the need for a third pair of hands.
Photo etch grilles are fitted to the inside of the upper hull, beneath the moulded plastic detail. Shot guards are provided to make incoming round bounce, and the large rear fuel tank along with photo etch bandings brings this area of the model to an end. I will say that I have always questioned the small exhaust pipes forward of the turret position.
The turret itself does give you the ability to elevate the main gun. The barrel itself is provided via a slide moulded plastic offering, or a turned aluminium barrel. The hatches on the turret have been provided separately, but a little work will be required if you decide to leave them open. The raised sighting device very similar to those seen on KV and T34 tanks, is provided and you are also given the parts in injection moulded plastic to add a night vision scope. The last area of interest, is the range finding scope which sits across the entire upper portion of the turret and with the two ends being this far apart would I believe made it very accurate.
Vespid has provided three finishing options for this model, with on details on what they are intended to represent, and this further enforces my belief that this is intended to represent a production vehicle, rather than a test version with the possible exception of the second option which has a red oxide turret.
Due to this offering from Vespid Models representing a version of the Maus that I do not believe was ever produced I have no intention of trying to comment on any accuracy. What I will say is that the hull generally appears to be a match for the test vehicles produced, and the turret has enough similarities with natural advancements that could easily have been utilised on the production line. So I you like “What If’s” this model could meet your needs.