Leopard 2A4 Barrels from Pimp My Miniatures
A review of two 3D printed barrels for the Leopard 2A4 from Pimp My Miniatures
T-70 Soviet Light Tank
Zvezda continues to release little gems with a T-70 Soviet Light Tank in 1/72nd scale.
M3 Stuart Diesel Early Production
MiniArt has released the next M3 in their range with the M3 Stuart Diesel Early Production.
Friulmodel Leopard 2 Tracks Review
A review of Friulmodel metal workable tracks for the 1/35 Leopard 2
KV-1 Soviet Heavy Tank
Zvezda has release a new 1/72nd scale model of the KV-1 a tank that was criticised a lot, but its variants were likely the best armoured and had effective main guns only being let down by mobility.
Read review, 'Challenger 1. Britain’s Orphan Tank', by Richard KENT
FV4030/4 Challenger 1 is a British MBT used by the British Army from 1983 to 2001.This book provides the reader with the full and unvarnished story of the origins, development, decades of service, and combat history of the Challenger 1 Tank. The text is i...
British Stuart Mk 1 “Honey” Early Prod Interior Kit
The British Stuart gets an outing from MiniArt in 1.35th scale and so grab your Honey and take a look at what you get.
PLA 59 Medium Tank
Here we take a look at the PLA 59 Medium Tank from Hobby Boss in 1/35th scale.
Merkava Mk 4M with Roof Mounted Slat Armour
Here we take a look at the Merkava Mk 4M with Roof Mounted Slat Armour from Meng in 1/35th scale.
Beutepanzers of World War II, Captured tanks and AFVs in German Service
Randy L Harvey reviews the book, Beutepanzers of World War II, Captured tanks and AFVs in German Service from Osprey Publishing by author Steven J. Zaloga and illustrator Felipe Rodríguez Náñez (aka Felipe Rodna).
Panther Colours and Details
Here we get a look at a book titled Panther Colours and Details from Tankograd which is updated and had extra content added.
DS3524 Panzerwaffe Steel Cats
ICM has brought together two of their German WW2 tanks and offered them as a one off release titled DS3524 Panzerwaffe Steel Cats which are a Panther D and a KonigsTiger.
KV Soviet Heavy Tanks. protptypes-pre-series-KV-1-KV-2 and the German KWI/KWII Beute Panzer captured tanks.
Here I try to do justice to an offering from Tankograd that is not the usual fair. KV Soviet Heavy Tanks The soviet tank that paved the road to victory, protptypes-pre-series-KV-1-KV-2 and the German KWI/KWII Beute Panzer captured tanks.
Leopard 2A6 Armed Forces of Ukraine
Here we look at another Leopard 2A6 from ICM but this time in 1/72nd scale.
35412 M3 Stuart Early Production
MiniArt have released their nest Stuart M3 in 1/35th scale and titled 35412 M3 Stuart Early Production.
Master Browning M2HB in Tank Mount
A review of Master 1/35 Browning M2HB in a WWII tank mount