Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
ICM has released new kits in December!
Drums and Crates releases a complete set of military wooden crates at 1/35 scale
The first volume of Booty of War is now printed and shipping.
First 3d printed resin kits for 2023
A fantastic build of one of the iconic gun trucks used in Vietnam M923 Italeri kit with Real model conversion kit from modelling friend Pascal Bausset two photos of the original eve of Destruction at the end of the pictures
Minor has several new sets for 1/48 kits, with canvas, tyre chains and more.
Osprey will publish in February "The Russian S-300 and S-400 Missile Systems" and "Waffen-SS Soldier vs Soviet Rifleman"
Royal Model updated their catalogue with a new 1/35 scale figure, as well as several figure accessory sets in different scales.
A new set of RG-31 resin replacement wheels is available from Royal Model.
Royal Model released quite a handful of new products. This news story deals with the scenery items, all in 1/35 scale.
This is a truly stunning build of the Scammell Commander transporting a Willich AVRE. during the first Gulf War, the Willich AVRE is from Newland Models.
A new line of 1/35 diorama props, maily about WWII
New Jagdpanzer IV L70/A from Border Model, two versions in the box
One of the workhorses of World War 2 typically British Scammel Pioneer Tractor something that worked through the war in many different ways a sensational build from modelling friend Gustavo Villarreal España
Voyager has a new set for Border Model Apocalypse Tank kit
Latest 1/35 scale releases from Panzer Art.