Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
Fantastic little diorama from modeller and friend Douglas Cohen and his stunning work of the Taxi de la Marne The First Battle of the Marne began when the French Sixth Army left Paris to the east and engaged cavalry patrols with the German Sixth Army at t...
Available from FoxHopp Models, 9M113 Konkurs ATGM, OZM-72 Anti-Personnel Mine Set and TM-62 Anti-Tank Mine Set
A truly sensational build of the T-34-85 from modelling friend Mikhail Wittman Rykov
A truly fantastic diorama showing how hellish it was out there from modeller and friend Tanit Chunkom and his "Somewhere in the Middle East"
Gecko Models are to release a late wartime period British Army 4x2 Heavy Ambulance.
New resin 1/35 German Munitionswagen M.16 from Plus Model
New set of photoetch from Tetra for German Sd.kfz.173 Jagdpanther Ausf. G1
New from AFV Club, a Churchill Bridge Layer
The Russian company DMS (denisssmodels) has once again delighted modellers with unusual 3D models.
Here we get a look at another of the ICM multi kit offerings titled 'Mobile Brigade West'.
Foxhopp Models is a new company whose first kit is a Soviet Zil-2906.
T-Rex has five new sets of German Lights, including Bosch, Notek and tail lights.
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/35 #35657 FARM CART & VILLAGE ACCESSORIES
DEF Model started a new line of products with three sets of 3D printed tank tracks.
A truly stunning piece of work from modelling friend Andrey Grechkin, so colourful with near perfect weathering
The final bit of news from Royal Model covers their scenery items in several different scales.