Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
Alpine Miniatures has some new Allied figures ready to hit the market.
A stunning build of the M-18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer diorama News of the Crow Seek...... Strike Destroy stunning work all around on the diorama from modelling friend Tamaki Maekawa
Here we get a look at the Hobby Boss offering of a German Flakpanzer V Ausf.A in 1/35th scale.
A fantastic diorama from modelling friend Jos Weckseler and his diorama of the Landkreuzer P1000 Ratte although only a paper tank is a monster the sear size of it or what it would have been.
New designs from HomeBrewParts for Dragon Sdkfz7/1 - 7/2 armored cab halftracks,
SBS has new Mk.IV Periscopes for British tanks, plus fire extinguishers Essex / Pyrene and German Bosch headlights
Hong Kong Creation Workshop has a new upgrade for Hobby Boss Jackal 2 kit.
Blitz Kit offers two new 1/35 scale WWI-era figures.
Available from Blitz Kit is its 1/35 scale kit of the WWI-era Peugeot armored car.
GB Modelli has three new resin 1/72 kits for dioramas plus a set of Artiglieri Italiani WWII (Marinai)
New kits from WIP3D this month, a Badoni "Sogliola" (1/35 and 1/72) and a Howitzer 280C (1/35)
Matho Model has new 1/35 boxes and decal numbers
Here we present a statement from MK35 Editions on its future direction. All the best in whatever direction it may take!
MK35 Edition's latest 1:35 figure kit is now available. "The Coalman Félix" (F307) contains one figure with a coalbag on his shoulder, and 6 coal bags on the ground. "The Deliveryman Gabriel" (F291) has been re-issued as well.
Modelltrans Modellbau's recent 1/72 scale releases cover subjects from WWI up to the Cold War.
This a fantastic build of the Opel Blitz Bowser which has had a lot of scratch building to the tank itself from modelling friend Giovani Vanz