Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
A stunning build/vignette of the Rolls-Royce Armoured Car RAF from modeller AbyssWare
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/48 U.S. Fuel Drums 55 Gal.
Gecko Models are to release a modern US Combat Weapons set.
Another fantastic diorama "Orders Captain?" 9 September 1943 TL 37 Protetto Italian Armoured car and a Fiat 500A Topolino light staff car from modelling friend Guido Tarenzi
MrBlack Publications released the 2nd book of How to Guide series.
A fantastic build of the Kamov KA-50 Black Shark Hokum Attack Helicopter stunning camo and build from my modelling friend Chema Martinez Fernandez
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/35 #24001 German Agricultural Tractor D8500 Mod. 1938
New Faustus Models american machine gun sets Shop:
Superb build of the Peoples Liberation Army Type 99 MBT ZTZ-99A the weathering is to point and super braille scale build from modeller Dan Leong
Here we take a look at another of the Stug III offerings from MiniArt in 1/35th scale.
A truly stunning scratch-built Cossack warrior and Hunter with Steppes Eagle the details on the Steppes eagle are spot-on the colours and the look (having been a falconer myself many moons ago I was very lucky to breed the Steppes eagle. This whole build...
Soviet soldiers on cigarette break.
Stunning build from a modelling friend Ramón Segarra Modelista of the Hobby Boss German 280mm K5(E) Railway Gun Leopold truly stunning work
Paracel Miniatures started a new 1/35 scale figure series dedicated to African wars. The first release in the series is a pick up/guntruck crew.
The newest kits have received status “Available” and we are starting to ship orders to our Distributors 🚚
New accessories and figures at 1/72 from Black Dog