Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
A superb build of the Ford V3000 truck with trailer amazing work on not just the build but the stowage too from modelling friend Los Kelly
Photo-etched frets to paint German insignia
Two more static posed German Fallschirmjager figures from Rado Miniatures.
It has been some time since we have heard from Thunder Model. Seen at its social media page are initial images of its upcoming release, the Morris C9/B late version. The kit will contain 14 sprues, clear parts, PE parts, decals. Slated for release this...
The 12.8 cm Pak 44 was a German anti-tank. It was designed as a result of experiences on the Eastern front in 1943. The German Army came upon the Soviet 122 mm field guns and issued a requirement for a similar weapon. Development initially concentrated on...
The newest kits have received status “Available” and we are starting to ship orders to our Distributors 🚚
Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
A fantastic model superbly built and painted by Xu Wei, Kung Fu Models, the model kit Simplest
TOPAS 2AP Polish amphibious tracked armoured personnel carrier built by Maciej Bedyński using a Trumpeter BTR-50 and a PanzerShop conversion
Oh, Merde! 1914 Diorama. Set in the late summer of 1914 during the battle of the frontiers. A French general, his adjutant, and chauffeur are being pursued by German Uhlan cavalry, along a dirt track. A truly inspirational work from modelling friend Ma...
MicroworldTG has three new products at 1/72, a basket rescue stretcher, a ZTM-1 30mm barrel and a Stugna-P
Scale23 offers a variety of 3D printed accessories for scale models in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/35 scales.
Ace Model opens the new year with its release of this Soviet 4x4 all-road military truck variant used by its Air Assault Troops.
A new T-55AD "Drozd" from Takom
My latest build. Thanks for looking.
A stunning build of a much-traveled armoured car found in many different guises this one being the IDF M113 Zelda from modelling friend Jacques Pelosse