Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
New kit of Autocannone da 65/17 on a captured Morris CS8 truck.
In the works at Mitches Military Models is a 200mm full figure of a paratrooper posed as he boards his transport. No release date as yet. Watch this space for updates!
A build review of T-Model 1/35 SSkra Flatcar.
Set of typical farm tools for countryside 1/35 dioramas
Here we list the the latest 1/35 scale 3D-printed track sets from Panzer Art.
The following completes this month's releases of 1/35 scale detail sets for the following: Border Model, Dragon, Zvezda, and Kinetic.
A superb figure painter Christos Katselos and his stunning work on the First Sergeant Donald "Don" "Wardaddy" Collier, Tank Commander, 66 Armour Regiment, 2nd Armoured Division "Fury"
Evolution Miniatures combined their 7 previously released figures into a big set showing Soviet soldiers inspecting a Tiger tank.
New from CMK comes a pair of 1:72 Sd.Kfz 250 crew figures.
A fascinating and superb build of a not to often seen Italian prime mover/ Trattore Dovunque TP 50 this version being of the recovery truck, superb work from modelling friend Stefano Badalucco
New Kit Coming Soon, 35664 Polish Traffic Signs 1930-40’s
New Panzer III Ausf. N with Winterketten from Takom.
A fantastic build of the Sd. Kfz 251 Ausf C knocked out, done with some superb work from modelling friend Los Kelly
Remember the late Aurora Model Co? If so, then you may remember their 1/48 Japanese Chi-Ha tank. ATLANTIS MODEL COMPANY has reissued this classic kit.
Voyager announces a new update set of photoetch for Border BT-013 kit of the Flak36
This is Amusing Hobby's French AMX-50B. It's based on the fifth prototype located at the museum at Saumur. It has a 120mm gun and a cast lower hull referred to as "surbaissé" (lowered) that was used to save weight. Only five prototypes were built in th...