1/16 German Officer with Doberman 'Inspirations' by Keigo Murakami
Adie Roberts continues his inspirations to help inspire modellers of all abilities to work out of their comfort zone building dioramas or just trying new builds.
LifeColor Painting Guide Vol.2
Second book of MrBlack Publications new series on how to use LifeColor products.
Pz.III/Stug.III & Pz.IV Idler Wheels
Elefant released several sets of German WWII tank idler wheels designed to upgrade kits from various manufacturers.
S-300V 9A82 Telar 'Inspirations' by Jacky Huang
Adie Roberts continues his inspirations to help inspire modellers of all abilities to work out of their comfort zone building dioramas or just trying new builds.
German Industrial Tractor D8511 Mod 1936 with Cargo Trailer and Figure
Here we take a look at the latest tractor from MiniArt in the form of a German Industrial Tractor D8511 Mod 1936 with cargo trailer and figure in 1/35th scale
Creative Models Plea
A request from Creative Models concerning the situation in Ukraine and its people.
Osprey New Publications
Walther Pistols, The Dutch Resistance 1940–45 and SU-152/ISU-152 vs Tiger are expected to be published next month.
M16 MGMC Anti-aircraft Gun Crew
Hobby Fan released a new set of 1/35 scale figures designed for AFV Club's M16 MGMC Meat Chopper.
Grille Ausf. H 1st SS Panzer Div LAH Ukraine 1944 'inspirations' by Phil Hyslop
Adie Roberts continues his inspirations to help inspire modellers of all abilities to work out of their comfort zone building dioramas or just trying new builds.
1/72 scale Japanese Infantry
Paracel Miniatures announced their latest 3D design figures in 1/72 scale.
U.S. Medic Team
Paracel Miniatures released a nice subject 5 -figure kit from Vietnam War.
Diorama Accessories sets
ETA Diorama Accessories released their existing codes as sets.
Elefant Panzer 38(t) Suspension
Elefant announces a Panzer 38(t) Suspension replacement