Tetra Model Works: Pz.Kpfw. II PE Set
Dress up your Academy Panzer II build with this new 1/35 scale detail set from Tetra Model Works.
Fat Frog M113 T130E1 Workable Track Links
Set of T130E1 Workable Track Links for the M113
FPW Rota Trailer in 1/72
FPW has a new 1/72 Rota trailer for fuel and ammunition , including photoetch parts.
MiniArt M3 LEE Mid Prod. Sahara w/Crew
New MiniArt kit is coming out soon, 1/35 #35274 M3 LEE Mid Prod. Sahara w/Crew
Black Ops LSSC Engine Bay
New 1/35 LSSC Engine Bay Conversion Kit for Dragon LSSC “NAM SERIES” - 3301
FCModeltrend News May
New 3D printed 1/35 scale accessories for vehicles and figure heads.
Copper State Models: WWI Italian Figures
Available from Copper State Models are new 1/35 scale figures to complement your WWI Italian armored car project.
Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
Vladimir Demchenko's latest sculpt is the first set of a new series ; Vietnam War LRRPs. B6-35338 includes two figures one helping the other to climb a rock.
German Tow Cable Clamps, Hooks & Details from Elefant
Elefant released new 3D printed details for German WW2 vehicles.
T-Rex Studios Big Scale Accessories
New 3D printed accessories for Abrams and other Modern tanks at 1/16 scale. Including wind sensor, tail light, headlights and more.
May Releases
This month's 1/35 scale releases from Voyager Model cover WWII-era German and US armored fighting vehicles.
OKB Grigorov: Tracks for PT-76 and BTR-50
Dress up your Soviet amphibious light tank project with this new 1/72 scale track set from OKB Grigorov.
Dan Taylor: Sherman Crab Conversion Set
Build one example of these specialized AFVs with this new 1/72 scale conversion set from Dan Taylor Modelworks.
Blitz Kit: Mortier de 220mm and More
Blitz Kit takes on this WWI-era French heavy mortar, as well as accessories -- all in 1/35 scale.
Feist Books Otto Carius Special Edition
Feist Books announces a 100th Birthday Limited Edition + Autographed Photo edition of "Otto Carius: Meine Dienstzeit" , which features some new photos and updates and includes an autographed photo of Otto Carius