Hiram Maxim’s QF 1-pounder was the world’s first automatic cannon. It was quickly nicknamed the “pom-pom” from its distinctive sound. It was an extremely versatile weapon serving as an infantry support gun, anti-aircraft gun, and naval gun. The variety of uses resulted in it being mounted on field carriages, pedestal mounts, truck mounts, armored car mounts, and antiaircraft mounts. Its first combat use was in 1899 in the 2nd Boer war where it proved to be effective but heavy and hard to get into position. The weapon was adopted by the South Africans, British, Belgians, Germans, and Americans. The US Army purchased 21 guns which were used in the Philippines and along the Mexican border. It saw use inWW1 with the British and Germans primarily as an anti-aircraft gun.

Vargas Scale Models from California USA produces a nice mix of interesting subjects from World War One in 1:35th scale. This is the only offering in 1:35thscale for the QF 1-pounder automatic cannon. This two-in-one kit includes a field carriage and a pedestal mount for use in the Meng Rolls Royce armored car. The kit is 3D printed in two different materials.
The kit is packaged in a sturdy corrugated cardboard flip-top box. Inside are the instructions, and zip-lock bags of delicate 3D printed parts cushioned in bubble wrap. The instructions are two pages printed in color. They consist of CAD renderings with circles and arrows to highlight the assembly. There is no parts list or painting instructions.
As I have come to expect from Vargas, the parts are very delicate and detailed. They are 3D printed with very tiny attachment points. The parts are 3D printed using two technologies. The gun / receiver is in a translucent medium like that used by Shapeways while all the other parts are produced with a resin / SLA technology. The parts require thorough cleaning with a toothbrush in hot soapy water to remove the waxy residue on the translucent gun and the glossy residue on the other parts. Some of the parts exhibit 3Dprint striations. Once the parts are cleaned up, the assembly is trivial using CA glue. The parts fit is perfect. The instructions are minimal; but the parts count is also low.

This one-of-a-kind kit provides a detailed model of this first auto cannon. The kit builds into an outstanding replica out of the box. The down sides are the minimal instructions and the cleanup required to remove the waxy residue on the gun / receiver. Overall I highly recommend the kit and hope to see more new WW1 kits from Vargas. Vargas offers the kit for sale on eBay.