Inspired by a famous photo taken in Battle of Hue, once again Vladimir Demchenko sculpted a legendary figure kit depicting Robert L. Thoms nicknamed Cajun Bob, a Marine Corps staff sergeant who mounted an assault to take Arch Tower on February 15, 1968. He was awarded the Silver Star medal for conspicuous gallantry for this assault which was one of the most ferocious fighting of Tet Offensive. He also received six Purple Hearts during his two combat tours to Vietnam in 1967 and 1968.

B6-35329Demo Team,Up! includes two U.S.M.C. soldiers in standard uniform, field gear and weapons. 

Kit comes in standard cardboard box of the company labeled with a photo of the painted figures. Figure body parts and small parts of each figure are served in seperate transparent zip-lock bags.

Resin quality and casting is great as in all BRAVO*6 figures with no serious mistakes or a need for a detailed cleanwork. A few slightly visible vertical seamlines can be easily cleaned with a sharp knife or fine grid sandpaper. 

Figures are sculpted in 1/35 scale and cast in grey resin. Details on the uniforms, field gear and weapons are sharp and clean.

Figure-A comes in 9 pieces.

- Body  

- Head

- Left arm pointing

- Right arm holding the rifle

- M1956 One quart canteen

- M7 Bayonet in M8A1 scabbard

- M1911A1 Colt pistol in leather holster

- M16 rifle with right hand

- M1 Helmet in Mitchell pattern camo cover

Figure-B comes in 8 pieces.

- Body  

- Head

- Left arm carrying M183 Satchel Charge

- Right arm with M16 rifle

- M1956 One quart canteen - 2 pieces

- M7 Bayonet in M8A1 scabbard

- M1 Helmet in Mitchell pattern camo cover

Clothfolds and wrinkles on the tropical jungle uniforms and 1st pattern M1955 flakvests, half-loaded pockets, upfolded trotters, details of the flakvest like doron plates, front closure, elastic cartridge belt holder and rifle guard on the right shoulder, torn effect on the right knee and helmet cover of Figure-A  are all well defined. Details on field gear cast on bodies like M16 Bandoliers, M1956 First aid pouchs , M17 Gasmask case and single cell grenade pouch of Figure-B are sharp and clean.

Facial features and expressions are well represented. Hair is sculpted on both figures which allows modeler to use the figure without helmet. 

Parts make very good fit and pin-hole system on the arms enables correct posing. Note that casting block on the Figure-A is on the neck part and neck should be carved for the fit of the head. Canteens can be easily assembled to the marked hollow areas on the back.

B6-35329 Demo Team,Up! is another great kit from BRAVO*6 with its great subject, alikeness to the reference photos, Vladi's usual talented sculpting and flawless cast. It can be used to build the Arch Tower assault scene on the photo or can be combined to other Tet Offensive figures to make different dioramas or vignettes. 

Highly Recommended

For more information and other products of company; please visit



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