This offering is from a new Polish publisher called Plastic Invasion. This is a soft backed publication, with a gloss card cover with 110 pages of gloss paper inside. The book is printed in a portrait orientation. The print quality and text is of a very high standard, and I feel that the quality of the contents are deserving of a hard cover. The book is made up of the following contents:
Operation Bagration
Otto Degen
German Field Grey in 1/35th Scale
Otto Degen Bust in 1/12th Scale
The book begins with a background on Operation Bagration, and is setting the scene for where the figure is to be placed. The story then goes on to Otto Degen who is the basis for the figure that is also available from this company in 1/35th scale and as a bust in 1/12th scale. You are given a full back-ground story of the figure's life, including his history in service and the life which he lived. Once we are past the back-ground story to this figure we are then presented with details that the modeller will find particularly useful. You start with details on the uniform, and this is covered to a particularly high degree - more so than I expected from a modelling title - going right down to the braces that holds up his trousers.
The equipment utilised is also covered to a very high degree, in particular I like that an Image is shown of the equipment in place on the person’s body, and the equipment covered individually - including the detail on the underside of the boots. The personal weapon covered in the release is the MP40 machine gun, and the Walther P38 side arm. A lot of written detail is supplied with reference to all of the equipment, and even covers the badges both front and rear faces which in this case is a wound badge, Infantry assault badge and tank destruction badge. Once all of those details are covered, painting of the 1/35th and 1/12th figure in great detail starts beginning with 1/35th.
No details on the construction of the figure are included, but everything from undercoating to an exceptionally good description of the face painting is covered. The differences between painting a 1/35th scale figure and 1/12th bust are surprisingly different, as the detail on the 1/35th scale offering is particularly stunning. The painting of the figure is covered from the base coats, all the way through to shading before presenting you with the finished 1/35th scale figure, and then moves on to the 1/12th bust covering this in an equally pleasing style.
The paints used throughout the process are Vallejo, with details on all of the paints being provided, and this includes both the name of the paint and its number - should you wish to use an alternate paint provider. Having gone through this title, it is the first release I have seen where all of the elements except for construction are brought together in one place in that it provides reference, background and methodology for painting particularly pleasing looking figures made of resin.