I ordered this as soon as it was announced, knowing there was no kit for it, and it arrived this morning; I immediately made a coffee and sat down to go through this page by page in anticipation of a great read. And it is no disappointment.
Page after page of large, clear images of Merkava special utility tanks in current service of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), consisting of Merkava II, III, and IV based vehicles, the 'Goor' backtrail trailer, and the Merkava IV AVLB Tagash.
There are multiple images of the same vehicle from various angles that serve as great references for modelling purposes, some across two pages, all very clear, and in colour. Not all images are captioned, but the images speak for themselves, and it is clear the vehicle is the same as previously described.
About the only thing that surprises is there are no scale plans of the vehicles.
Easily recommended.
here are some sample images
Part of the intro, illustrating the IDF habit of converting vehicles.

each chapter starts with a brief bio of the vehicle and user unit...

One image across the fold,

two generations of head shed vehicles,

note the corners of the armour are storage bins.

would make great box art.

there are six images of the tagash, including from above with the bridge deployed.