A set that I probably had for about 10 years and was waiting in the wings... And that time has come. After more or less successful and not so successful exercises with a brush, I bought an airbrush. So far the cheapest - it was generally written for manicure work and desserts... But, as practice has shown, for my purposes and skills it will do for now. This is my first model that. painted with an airbrush. To the base color. intermediate layers of varnish, post-shading - I blew it out with this device and was basically satisfied with the result.
The set itself:
Of course, there are no questions in terms of casting quality and fit... Everything is perfect. But the instructions were unpleasantly surprising... there are a lot of typos... different parts in the instructions are listed under the same number.. (i.e. in one subassembly there may be two G6 parts , for example..and you just had to compare the parts on the sprues with the picture in the assembly diagram and look for the true part, and, given Dragon’s general love for maximum detail...sometimes this was a little infuriating)
Basic painting - Tamiya XF 63, german gray
areas were highlighted with Tamiya XF-54 dark sea gray
I tried applying hairspray between the main base and light gray, and then peeling off the light one... the result is not very noticeable.
tinted with oil dots using Gamma art paints, wash - Pacific 88 black
dusted with pigments from ZIP - soot, rust - on the exhaust, dry earth, European dirt - on the chassis and body. I got a little carried away, and, as is typical for beginners, went a little too far with the dust .. but decided to leave it like that - it seems to me that this is the look has the right to life.
I made a tarpaulin out of a nitrile glove. This was also the first time I tried this method.