read review of a grand book.
Firstly, this book is pure content, there is no waffle here, and no padding. From cover to cover, about the only area not given over to the title is the inside back cover which promotes other titles in the range. Very recommended to persons with an interest in the battle or with a modelling bent towards the battle.
64 pages, more images than you can shake a stick at, maps, and some vehicle colour profiles.
There are a range of images that support the text and visa-versa, and maps which, while simplistic, convey information at a glance. There is good coverage of both sides of the battle, and is apolitical, which is appreciated in an era of revisionist history.
The best part of the book, which is most relevant to modelling, is the Quartermaster's Section, page 38-58, which covers a selection of vehicle subjects that took part in the battle, and gives kits with after market choices. This is up to date as it includes a recently released kettenkrad kit. About the only caveat is that the models are not show winners, but then, neither are mine.

the maps are all of this quality

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A nicely finished Cromwell.

Inside front cover and it is straight to business