1:35 H3 Models Figure News World War II New US Paras from H3 Models Mario Matijasic Editor posted on 3 months ago 2,860 views H3 Models released new 3D printed figures in 1/35, 1/48 and 1/16 scale depicting US paras. YOUR REACTION? 114 AWESOME! 18 LOVED 12 NICE 4 HELPFUL 9 PASS SUPPORTER ADVERTISEMENT You may also like German Soldiers from H3 Models 0 0 0 M29C Crabe Conversion and Figures 0 0 0 BA-64B Test Model from Lanmo 0 0 0 M3/M3A1 in 1/16 scale 0 0 0 Humber F.W.D in all scales. 0 0 0 French anti-tank gun by Dynamo-models 0 0 0