The M151 MUTT was always a very interesting subject for modelers. The plastic kit was produced in various variants and scales under different manufacturer labels, followed by numerous conversion and upgrade sets. As for the references, WWP offers two photo books on the M151. The late variant of the vehicle is covered in the MUTT A2 In Detail (reviewed previously on Armorama: link), while the more recent publication reviewed here, deals with the early variant: MUTT A1 in Detail - M151A1 and M151A1C Utility Trucks (R093).

MUTT A1 in Detail follows the same format as all the other WWP books. It is a softcover book (22 x 24 cm), printed in full color on high-quality paper. Flipping the pages, I found the book structured in easy-to-follow chapters and professionally presented, jam packed with large and clear color photographs. Here are the basics:
- Title: MUTT A1 in Detail – M151A1 and M151A1C Utility Trucks
- Publisher: Wings & Wheels Publications (WWP)
- Code: R093
- Author: František Kořán
- Format: softcover (22x24 cm)
- Pages: 108
- Color: full color
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-80-87509-84-5
- Retail Price: $38 (€30)
The book comprises of 108 pages with over 315 large high-resolution photographs and manual drawings showing M151 MUTT in great detail. Most of the images display vehicles from private collections, restored to M151A1 standard and photographed at military shows. The book is organized in 15 chapters color coded on the page edges, allowing easy navigation:
- History and Development (002-007)
- M151A1 Walkaround (008-023)
- M151A1 for USAREUR (024-029)
- M151A1Headlamps (030-031)
- Body Construction (032-035)
- Canvas Roof Details (036-037)
- Suspension Details (038-043)
- Engine Compartment (044-057)
- Interior Details (058-067)
- Wireless Equipment (068-075)
- Weapons (076-079)
- M151A1C Walkaround (080-091)
- M825 106mm Gun (092-095)
- Searchlight (096-103)
- M416A1 Cargo Trailer (104-108)
The opening chapter briefly outlines the origins of M151 MUTT and provides several full-page images of the vehicles restored to US Army M151 A1 standard. A more detailed look into the M151 A1 follows, with a walk around displaying various vehicle details, from the vehicle body and suspension to a very comprehensive coverage of the engine compartment. Interior details are also thoroughly presented, as well as the wireless radio equipment and weapon mounts. Altogether, 72 pages of pure M151A1 delight for modelers and vehicle enthusiasts alike. Next up is the M151A1C walk around, displaying details specific for the M151 mobile weapon system variant and covering the M40 106mm Recoilless Rifle as well. After a very interesting chapter on the M151 vehicles fitted with a Xenon/infrared searchlight, the last couple of pages are dedicated to M416A1 cargo trailer.

After going through the entire book, I was very impressed. The images are large and clear, covering the subject, both interior and exterior, in great depth. The image captions are concise, but provide a very informative read, explaining various details presented in the photos.
MUTT A1 in Detail (R093) from WWP is a fantastic photo book for anyone interested in Cold War era jeeps and a valuable reference material for modelers wanting to super-detail their M151A1 builds.
Highly recommended.