This offering from MiniArt in 1/35th scale is packaged in the usual style, but I am concerned to see the very fine photo etched fret no longer being protected in a card envelope. With that said I have no other issues. A look over the sprues reveals no issue of concern other than the finesse of some parts does risk damage due to being packed together. The plastic has long been complained about and having taken on a few MiniArt kits of late the plastic is no concern to me. The lack of positive mating surfaces in some cases does make the model a bigger challenge than it has to be.
The details replicated on the model are of a very high standard with riveting detail being particularly well done. With the models being offered as interior and without there is a lot of hatch detail that needs to be tackled and that gives the modeller something to think about when finishing the model. I like that what is supposed to be a clear part is and that scores well with me as a number of companies do not always take that step and so disappoint. Link and length tracks my not please everyone, but they are a good compromise for both those who prefer vinyl rubber tracks and those in the individual track link camp.
All told another nice addition to the range of this M3 tank that proved popular with crews.