MiniArt has been a go to resource for diorama items for as long as I can remember since coming into being and hitting the big time. Previously they have looked after the 1/35th scale modeller, but are now turning their attention to 1/24th and I am hoping that in the future 1/16th scale items will get a look in. This release is packaged in a single plastic bag, providing 6 identical sprues covering metal fuel and oil drums from 1930s to 1950s. The set provides the modeller with 6 fuel drums and these are moulded in 2 halves, with separate top and bottom caps and the ribs are also individually moulded. The last item on each sprue is a cap for the side opening in the barrels. 6 options for finishing of the drums are included, with suitable decals for each finish. There is not really much more I can say.
This set is as it says on the box, but I still wish that MiniArt would switch from using the end opening cartons as these do not provide enough protection of contents in my opinion. I personally would have liked to have seen more than 6 barrels provided in this set, as I find myself questioning if it represents value for money knowing the cost of these products. I will say that the quality and contents are of a standard that I have come to expect from MiniArt, and so there are no concerns on that side of the argument. I am however, happy to see MiniArt moving into the larger scales, but I do think that 1/16th would be a more preferable scale due to the amount of models being released in that scale recently.