This release from Kagero, is the first in a new series of books called Camouflage and decals. This offering looks at vehicles on the Eastern Front during WW2 during some of the most brutal warfare during that conflict.
This release from Kagero, is a typical A4 sized book, this is a soft backed offering with a good card cover with 40 pages of heavy stock, good quality paper. The book begins with s short introduction on the return of this series from 2001 and why it has returned and why this is listed as number 1. The introduction is presented in both English and Polish. A particularly nice touch, in this release is a colour chart, which is a colour palette covering vehicles from1933 to 1945 and colours by their RAL colours, their physical colour, an FS code and products by Humbrol, Gunze, Pactra, Testors, Extracolor and Tamiya.
The profiles in this title, are nearly all shown from the side, with other aspects covered via captions. The profile images are weathered, which enables the modeller who is not skilled in the art of weathering to have some idea as to what they are looking to achieve. The vehicles covered are for the most part German, and covers both armour, artillery and soft skinned vehicles. The Russian T34 family getting especially good coverage on the Soviet side. However end of game vehicles such the IS-2M, and the ISU122 also getting coverage. The artistry inside the title is especially well done, and covers something that Kagero covers particularly well. Included inside the front of the book, is a decal sheet of good quality decals, which are thin and cover all of the vehicles shown in the book. As such the modeller could purchase this book, and depending on the speed of their building, spending the next ten years covering the vehicles in the title. The decals themselves cover the three main scales from 1/72nd to 1/48th and finally1/35th.
This offering from Kagero is a fantastic first book in the new series, and it is a series that I am pleased to say that the series covers not just armour, as the second book in the series covers the Bf109, and as such I feel this will be a particularly sought after series of titles for the modeller.