This offering is typical MiniArt with a cardboard tray, with a separate card lid with a single bag inside that contains further bags that separates the various other elements from each other. The Panzer IV in this release is one of MiniArt’s new offerings which means it comes with a partial interior, that helps to create a stable construction. The tracks provided in the release are the workable type that has been provided by MiniArt for some time being separate links with separate pins. The result of this and the work built into the suspension units means that the vehicle can be displayed accurately on this base or any other you care to make yourself.
Hull detail is good in all respects, as rather than slide moulding the panels have been individually moulded and this has enabled detail to be better moulded than if done as a single piece using slide moulding. The turret of the model is again made up using multiple panels and interior detail is again provided to a reasonable degree, so that the modeller that leaves the hatches open has something to see inside. The breach of the main gun obviously takes up most of the space inside the turret, but there are some other smaller elements to see as well. The turret basket is not included in this release, on the outside the cupola is by far the most pleasing aspect with details especially well replicated. The barrel of the main gun is a single piece moulding, with a 3 part muzzle brake that goes together the same way a turned metal offering would. The added armour around the turret is provided in plastic parts, with a small amount of photo etch, and the ability to show the turret side hatches open along with the gap in the armour belt has been addressed. The added armour along the sides of the hull has been provided by photo etched pieces.
A single finishing option has been provided for this release, which is the 21st Panzer Division (Ex 130th Panzer Lehr Division Tank), Normandy Summer 1944.
The KFZ 70 has been provided with a multi-part chassis, and nicely detailed engine and gearbox - you will need to be careful during assembly to ensure the chassis is square. The wheels on this release are injection moulded plastic and so no concerns with reference to vinyl rubber tyres. The detail on the oily parts is in my opinion of a high standard. The crew area of the model has also been nicely tackled, with no obvious concerns and perhaps the most pleasing of all, rifles and their securing mounts have also been included in the release. They will, of course, benefit from home made rifle slings - or after market options if your pennies run to it!!
The doors can be assembled on the model open or closed, but an open canopy is the only supplied option. The hood or bonnet has been moulded in such a way, that it can be accurately depicted open or closed. The tools of this vehicle are provided clean, with photo etched brackets. Again only one option is provided for finishing the model, and that is a vehicle of the 21st Panzer Division, Normandy, Summer 1944.
The parts included with this release for the display are a telegraph pole and road signs, decals are provided for the road signs and I see no issues to trip you up in this area. The figures in the release number 8. The tank crew are an old set provided by MiniArt, however, the moulds look as if they have had a bit of a cleanup and benefited from it. The figures in the car feature an Officer and his driver, there is also another Officer in the famous pointing pose - who I am sure is a replica of a well known German Officer, but I can’t remember his name! I like MiniArt figures for the most part, as they tend to be nicely posed and with care go together well. However, I do wish that MiniArt would provide decals for the figures insignia to left them that extra bit.
This offering from MiniArt is a nice mix that appears to have had a good level of consideration when deciding on what to place in the box. The only thing I would consider changing is the Vac formed base, having seen what MiniArt can do with their new injection moulded base plates, which are far superior and require far less effort to clean up and also requires less effort on the part of the modeller to stabilise the base. I have kept this review short, as all of the contents have been reviewed in more detail previously.