Amusing Hobby 35A043 1/35 model of the Strv-104 which was the last version of the Centurion used in the Swedish Army. The Strv-104 was upgraded from existing Strv-101 R and Strv-102 R with the change to the engine and transmission used in the M-60 plus the addition of ERA armor on the front. These tanks served until 2001. One of the most interesting-looking Centurions with the ERA armor and Swedish camo paint scheme.
The bulk of the kit is molded in tan plastic with good details in most areas plus a small PE fret, decals, suspension springs, string for tow "cable" and a bag of individual track links. There is no clear sprue. The lower hull is separate and very solid.
Sprue A is hull parts and the track skirts. The Strv-104 has cutouts in the track skirts to facilitate climbing onto the tank. These cutouts are molded partially on the back and the rest of the hole has to be cut out to the outside. A few extrusions to trim as well.
Sprue B is more hull parts and the track fenders.
Sprue C x 2 is the idler and sprocket wheels and other hulls part.
Sprue D x 4 is the road wheels and suspension. Each wheel is one piece so this omits a recessed groove that I see in the Panzer Art resin road wheelset that I have.
Sprue F has the main turret pieces and Sprue G is other turret fittings. The commander's Kulspruta KSP m/39C is a little soft on details.
Sprue L has the revised engine deck from the upgrade plus the required new air filter pieces.
Sprue O has the main gun which is in 3 pieces but not lengthwise so the long seam is avoided. Other parts for the 104 like the ERA armor and the Lyran flare launcher are here as well.
Not perfect but a good representation and much cheaper than the preceding resin conversion which is out of production. Any new modern Swedish armor kits are welcome!
Useful links:
Arsenalen Swedish Tank Museum
Prime Portal
Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: Strv 104, Pt 1
Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: Strv 104, Pt 2