This release from Gecko Models of a 1/35th scale buffalo set is an interesting release, due to the decision to release it as one of their diorama offerings. What you get here are 2 buffaloes, one stood and one semi-submerged in a river or paddy field. A female in classic village clothing for Vietnam depicted in many sources, including the woven dished hat secured under the chin. A length of twine is included which I quite like for this subject, with perhaps the need to wet it in order to help shape it.
A crane of heron is also supplied standing on the back of the wadding buffalo. The base itself is quite nicely textured, with well defined locating openings. With the addition of some vegetation using your preferred products, you have the potential for a concise and well defined scene. The only thing I question is how much desire there will be for a product depicting a scene as provided, and I suspect a number of modellers may purchase the set with the intention of using the provided elements in an alternative setting.