Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
Here we get a look at the Bergepanzer BPz3 (Buffalo) ARV from Hobby Boss in 1/35th scale.
New wood stove and several accessories from Macone Models at 1/35
A stunning build of the Fallschirmjäger from modelling friend Jose Manuel Flores Operation 'Merkur' (Mercury) began on the morning of 20 May, when German glider and parachute troops were dropped around Maleme and Chania in the west. Some landed among Alli...
New 1/35 Trattore Dovunque TP 50 from WIP3D
ICM has released new kit in October!
A vignette of Argentina Army in 1965 using Asuka 1/35 kit of a Sherman M4A4.
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/35 #35408 German Soldiers At Work (Rad) Special Edition
News from Meng, a really cool surprise indeed...
The Crowood Press recently released a new book which is bound to become a classic "figure painting" title, like those by Shepherd Paine, Danilo Cartacci or Mike Blank. Oh, and don't be discouraged by the title, the info and techniques described in this bo...
A superb build from modelling friend Luis Madariga Panzerkampfwagen 35 (t) "6th Panzer Division, Russia 1941
Trackpad Publishing released a new title covering The British Army of the Rhine... 264 pages of pure delight for all BAOR enthusiasts.
K.U.K Miniatures released a figure depicting Austro-Hungarian naval officer Gottfried von Banfield. The figure is offered in several scales.
A new figure from The Bodi depicts Aussie infantry from WW2.
New tracks for Tamiya A34 Comet from T-Rex Studio
GB Modelli has a new 1/72 Veicolo Blindato Medio VBM 8x8 Freccia
New figures of 1/35 Modern Bundeswehr Tank Crew