Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
Here we take a look at the latest Tempo A400 from MiniArt in 1/35th scale in the form of a Vegetable Delivery Van
The Panhandle Miniature Figure Society (PMFS) and the Gulf Coast Chapter of AMPS, the "Armorgators," are hosting their first joint contest at the Santa Rosa County Auditorium on 15 April 2023 from 9 AM to 4 PM. This is in Milton FL (near Pensacola). The e...
H3 Models continues to release modern day Korean troops in both 1/35 and 1/16 scale.
If I had to face this in a Panzer IV even in a Panther, I would make for that little hatch at the bottom and crawl into the nearest ditch, from modeler Jesse Naughton and his incredible work on the ISU-152 a tank that was designed to level the playing fie...
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/35 #35406 U.S. Soldiers In Cafe
Hobby Boss announced three new kits for March 2023 release.
Trumpeter shares further information and images of its latest big scale kit.
Next month's new 1/72 and 1/35 scale kits from Trumpeter.
New from Royal Model - a set of ten hands in 1/16 scale.
This review covers the latest offering from 3D MicroCosmos, a 1/35 scale multimedia kit featuring Rheinmetall’s multimission Unmanned Ground Vehicle.
In this fully illustrated study of the Panzer reconnaissance troops, renowned armour expert Thomas Anderson draws on first-hand accounts and rare photographs to examine the crucial eyes and ears of the German armoured forces of World War II.
The latest issue of HobbyWorld magazine has seven modelling articles, available also as digital edition.
IBG Models has another 1/35 scale early Pz.Kpfw. II kit, and accessories. A 1/72 scale Maultier is coming out as well.
Available from Royal Model is its 1/35 scale accessory set to complement your Sturer Emil build.
New 1/35 scale figure update set from Royal Model.
Here we take a look at one of Tankograd Publishing hard backed books titled Leopard 2 In der Bundeswehr.