Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
During World War II, the Soviets received 586 DUKW-353 amphibious trucks under the Lend-Lease Act. The design was regarded as successful, so it was decided to build a similar domestic vehicle. A truly superb build of the DUKW from modelling friend Sergey...
Unassembled, unpainted 3D high detailed printed resin models at 1/72 scale.
Elefant released several slightly different versions of Jagdpanzer 38 idler wheels. Check it out!
From modelling friend Tetsuo Horikawa a stunning piece of work that was Published in 2014 Ikaros Publishing MM Graffiti 1970's. Reproduce the entry into Germany by the US 1st Army 3rd Armoured Division, centring on Tamiya 1/35 Willys Jeep.
Takom announced two track link sets for their upcoming M48 family of vehicles.
New braille scale items from Modelltrans Modellbau.
Takom released box art images of their upcoming releases.
New products from FaustusModels! You can find the shop here:
Next batch of IBG Models news will come out in the very last days of September, with five 1/72 new models
Krank up the tunes and sit back and watch the pictures of the Brown Water Navy "Delta wolves" Seal team in Mekong delta superb diorama from modelling friend Santiago Tre
Armory has a new plastic 1/72 kit of the Soviet AA SPG ZSU-23-4V1 "Shilka" mod.1970.
New designs of wheels for WW2 German 3ton trucks, greasers , MG151 drilling flash suppressors and Kar98K mounts
New resin conversion for an Sd.Kfz. 9/2 with Demag 10t Crane
AK Interactive has two new AJ43 kits at 1/35
Another fantastic build of the German Horch 1A with 20mm Flak 30 from modelling friend David Strauss
This is a cracking build of the Churchill MK.III AVRE one of the best I have seen from modelling friend Yanglei Zheng