Motor Oil Box Labels
New from MK35 Editions is an accessory set featuring WWII and postwar advertising labels used on motor oil crates.
Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Krupp-Grusonwerk
MiniArt announced a new Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf H variant (interior kit) in 1/35 scale.
Velikiye Luki 1942-43 The Doomed Fortress
This book from Osprey Publishing tells the saga of the Red Army fight to take back the important city of Velikiye Luki. The story includes street fighting, panzer charges, and glider operations, fought concurrent with the Battle of Stalingrad.
Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf B
Darren Baker takes a look at the Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf B from ICM in 1/35th scale.
NEW! ICM Soviet Firemen (1980s)
The set includes 37 parts for assembly of 4 figures of Soviet Firemen of 1980s period and 27 parts of accessories (kit # 35623).
Carts, Wheelbarrows, and More
MiniArt never fails to disappoint in coming up with odds and ends to accessorize your diorama projects. Soon to be out is a set that builds various types of small carts, trolleys, and barrows.
Jackal 1 High Mobility Weapon Platform
Hobby Boss shows images of their upcoming Jackal 1 kit. Or is it actually Jackal 2?
Here Kitty Kitty
ARMOR35 has created three new sets of cat clowders, for both 1/35 and 1/16. These are 3D printed.
Russian Rail Freight Wagon Parts 1890-1936
Armor35 has kitted several 1/35 Soviet railcar subjects, and other companies have followed suite. This accessory set allows modelers to modify and improve their freight cars.
Heady New Castings
ARMOR35 has been busy designing, sculpting, an casting a dozen new 1/35 sets of heads.
SS-1C Scud B w/Maz-543 TEL
Old kit from 1991 updated with Eduard PE sets (exterior and interior) and Trumpeter wheels. Added rubber tubes as own invention.
FCM36 World War 2 - French Light Tank
Darren Baker takes a look at the FCM36 World War 2 -French Light Tank from ICM in 1/35th scale.
IN PROCESS! ICM Leyland Retriever General Service (early production), WWII British Truck
February Release!
FinMilModels XA-185 and Sisu A-45
Two more 1/72 kits from FinMilModels, the XA-185 and Sisu A-45 light truck
Panzerwrecks 23: Italy 3
New Panzerwrecks volume, with the usual heavy mix of wreckage and captured Panzers, all with an Italian theme and in a new 128-page format.