1:35 Zvezda New Kits World War II Zvezda SU-122 in small scale varanusk Editor posted on 4 years ago — updated on 4 years ago 3,121 views Zvezda is working on a new SU-122 at 1/72, for the moment they have shared some images of the design phase. YOUR REACTION? 11 AWESOME! 1 LOVED 6 NICE 0 HELPFUL 1 PASS SUPPORTER ADVERTISEMENT You may also like Vietnam Sheridan from RFM 0 0 0 Re-release of Figures from Dragon Models 0 0 0 German Heads & Camo Helmets 0 0 0 African Heads and Dogs 0 0 0 Ferret 'Aden' Conversion Set from SMM 0 0 0 1/16 scale WW II U.S. and German magazines & more 0 0 0