By 2019, approximately 175 Wiesel 1s were still in active service with the Deutsche Bundeswehr, among them were 102 Wiesel 1 TOWs. The TOW (Optically Tracked Wire-guided) firing system were to be retired by 2022. They will be replaced by the license build fire-and-forget Spike-LR missile system designed by the Rafael Advanced Defense Systems of Israel. Firing range increased to 5.5 km compare to 3.75 km of the previous system. This new system was named “Mehrrollenfähiges Leichtes Lenkflugkörper-System” by the German. Approximately 60 Wiesel 1 TOWs received such upgrade and were designated Wiesel 1 MELL.s The Wiesel 1 MELL are projected to be in service well past 2030.