ICM is well known today for combining their models together and making for a more affordable bulk purchase. In this offering ICM has combined their Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf B, P 204 (f) and Sd.Kfz 251/1 Ausf A all in 1/35th scale; unusually this release has not been provided with any figure sets. Looking over the contents I have to say that beyond the usual ejector pin marks that will need to be tackled in some cases everything else looks good.
I believe that in the case of at least two of these vehicles they would have to be policing action for areas. All three could be utilised together in an early war period I believe, but if a member knows better please chime in.
The Sd.Kfz 251/1 Ausf A was produced or should that be modified for a number of roles and while the vehicle type served through to the end of the war I would not expect many of this version to have survived to war’s end and in service.
The Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf B Is another vehicle that served throughout the war even though production stopped in 1943. Depending on who you believe somewhere between 50 and 70 were produced during the war and so another rarity in this offering.
The P 204 (f) is likely better known as the Panhard 178. When these vehicles came into German hands they may have seen combat in the West but most went East and served there until at least 1943. I still feel this vehicle would have been used to police occupied zones as the war progressed, but it also needs to be remembered that needs must and if needed would have been. This vehicle has a long service life seeing action all the way into the Vietnam War. The vehicles used in Vietnam had a different turret and so cannot be replicated from the model as is.
None of the three models should make most modellers struggle, but they could do with some dressing up which may cause some issues. After-market sets available for those wanting to go down that route or you could show off your scratch building and detailing skills. Built from the box if your painting skills are good you do have the ability to get a pleasing result in all cases. All three kits utilise vinyl rubber which is a marmite subject for many and so you may wish to go down the after-market route in those regards as well.