REFORGER 78 Saxon Drive / Certain Shield. US Army and Allied Armies train to counter a Conventional Attack from the East
During REFORGER 78 forces from the USA were mainly deployed in the autumn maneuver Saxon Drive and Certain Shield in West Germany.
During the corps training exercise Saxon Drive of the Dutch I (NL) Corps, units of the 1st Brigade, 4th (US) Infantry Division were operationally subordinated to the 4th (NL) Division. The 3rd Brigade, 2nd (US) Armored Division (Forward) fought on the side of Blue Force.
The corps training exercise Certain Shield 78 was the largest exercise of NATO land forces of that year. One of the most important objectives was to familiarize REFORGER troops, brought in from the USA, with the local conditions and the tactical situation. The exercise force had a total strength of 55,780 soldiers, and it fielded some 6,370 wheeled vehicles and 2,800 tracked vehicles as well as 562 helicopters and 24 aircraft.
Serving as an eyewitness to an era long gone this publication shows the US military vehicles and those of the allied nations during the two REFORGER 78 exercises in exiting photographs and allows the reader to visualize the land warfare tactics at the heart of the Cold War.
Quantity Photos and Illustrations: Illustrated with 30 black & white photographs, 84 color photographs and 10 graphics
Text - Language: English Text. Number of Pages: 64

Bv 206 S. The Bandvagn 206 S in Bundeswehr Service
Development of the protected Bandvagn (Bv) 206 S, successor to the world-famous Bv 206 D, began in the late 1980s. At the beginning of the 1990s, the German Armed Forces began to take an interest in the vehicle. Since 1985, its predecessor, the Bv 206 D Husky was used very successfully, but the German Army was looking for a protected vehicle to close a gap in the range of vehicles and capabilities of its airborne forces. Consequently the Bundeswehr ordered 31 Bv 206 S.
Mobile Medical Team (MMT) Vehicles in 2002. Four of these were later converted to Mobile Evacuation Physician Team (MEPT) Vehicles. 75 of the Bv 206 S Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) variant were purchased in 2004, followed by 81 Bv 206 S Command Post Vehicles in 2005.
To date, 189 “transport vehicles, light armored, air-transportable in C-160 tactical cargo aircraft, Bv 206 S” have been procured by the Bundeswehr. This publication shows the entire vehicle range for the first time in detail.
Quantity Photos and Illustrations: Illustrated throughout with 150 color photographs and 12 graphics
Text - Language: English Text. Number of Pages: 64

RAC Germany. Armored Vehicles of the Royal Armored Corps during the Cold War in West Germany 1950-90
Almost 85 years ago, the Royal Armored Corps (RAC) was formed and it can be found today in every theatre of operations of the British Army. One of the most important episodes in the RAC’s history was the deployment of units to West Germany during the Cold War in 1950-90. Still today tanks such as the Centurion, Conqueror, Chieftain and Challenger are recognised and honoured among experts in the field.
This publication shows these icons of British tank design in impressive and often even dramatic exercise photographs taken during their duty with the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR). An additional chapter covers the wheeled armour of the armoured reconnaissance regiments of the RAC.
Quantity Photos and Illustrations: Illustrated throughout with 85 color photos, 44 black & white photos and 7 graphics
Text - Language: English Text. Number of Pages: 64