Sylly's Mini Models has a wide range of conversions for M113, Land Rover and more.

Their conversion sets are 3D Printed and include other materials like tube or wire, so as decals in some cases.

Most of the products are from the Late Cold War/ Modern era, with special interest on M113. The large number of countries who have used and customised the vehicle to fit different roles makes that a lot of variants can be built.

Here are a few examples, check their website for the full catalogue here , which has also figures.

M1059A1 or M1059A2 SGC with interior

M1059A1 or M1059A2 SGC with interior

YPR806A1 Dutch ARVL

YPR806A1 Dutch ARVL

LaRo Lijnwagen, Signal wire vehicle

LaRo Lijnwagen, Signal wire vehicle

M106A1 NL, Dutch Mortar Carrier

M106A1 NL, Dutch Mortar Carrier

M806A1 3rd ARVL Canadian

M806A1 3rd ARVL Canadian



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