ICM do not believe in wasting time and has released their new Flak 38 with the half track Sd.Kfz.3b. The half track does have some miles on the clock not but a good look at the sprues reveals that the moulds are holding up very well and so no worries on that side. I have spent some time looking over the older part of this offering and other than ejector pin marks that should be addressed it is in great condition.
With this being from ICM there are some aspects of the half track that should prove pleasing to all. The mechanical aspects and oily areas are very well presented and only need some wire to replicate the cables in the engine and braking system. The design of the tracked area of the model is a complex part of the build as ICM has done such a good job of replicating the details found here and the track for the model is link and length; these are a good intermediate provision as they do not stress fans of rubber band tacks and also meet the detail level demanded by the individual link fan.
The front end of the model could do with some roughing up in the cab to give it a more lived in look and the instruments are replicated using decals. Anyone who has seen one of these model offerings built up should be happy with what is provided. I am disappointed that no ammunition is supplied on t6he truck bed as in action the gun would get through a great deal of magazines. The inclusion of a gun crew would also have been nice both as in the latest gun offering from ICM or seated and out of action moving to a new position.
Looking over the 2cm Flak 38 which has been available on its own; the detail is fair but a little soft in some areas. I am not saying it’s bad but it could be crisper having seen one built now. The gun is a very simple model and could be taken further if wished by the modeller. As I have said already the lack of spare ammunition for this gun hurts it. A new metal barrel would I feel lift the look of this aspect a good deal. I like that two finishing options have been covered and all told this is a very fair model for the price.