4 0 1 0 1 https://armorama.com/news/scale75-broken-tracks-scene 1:35 Scale75 Tools & Supplies Diorama News World War II Scale75 Broken Tracks Scene varanusk Editor posted on 3 years ago — updated on 3 years ago 4,234 views New scene from Scale75 with figures, base and tank section all included. Additionally, they have released also a set of four colours for painting US Tanker jackets, including a ste by step guide. YOUR REACTION? 37 AWESOME! 9 LOVED 13 NICE 6 HELPFUL 8 PASS SUPPORTER ADVERTISEMENT You may also like Kübelwagen Type 155 Half-Track 0 0 0 OPERATIVO INDEPENDENCIA - Vol 2: Guerilla War, The 1976 Coup D'État, and the Dirty War in Argentina 0 0 0 Value Gear: Huge Update 0 0 0 More Crew for Sd.Kfz. 250 0 0 0 SECOND ARAKAN 1943-44 - Shattering the Myth of Japanese Invincibility in Burma 0 0 0 DOGWOOD - A National Guard Unit's War In Iraq . Andrew Wiest . Osprey 0 0 0