This MiniArt release in 1/35th scale adds something else to their range of civilians, which they have quite a few of now. There are only 2 figures in this release, which offers a male and female of approximately middle age. The female is a petite but well proportioned offering, the clothing has well represented minor crease detail with the bit that surprises me being that she is wearing ankle socks. Moving to the hands, I am pleased with what they have managed to do but the very deep set eyes almost look as if someone is coming out of a concentration camp, or at the very least is very unwell. Complaint wise, I would have liked the legs to have been recessed within the skirt as I believe this would have improved the detail. The male figure has more pronounced crease detail within the clothing. Facial features are very good in this release due to a particularly well done moustache and good hand detail gripping handles. The hat and jacket almost scream at me milkman, but none the less you could finish in whatever colours and could always alter the hat. This figure is also supplied with a knapsack and so is well laden down when you add the musical instrument boxes. However, rather than going with the boxes, with a little modification you could always show him carrying one of the physical instruments - as a pleasing selection is offered in this release. The female in the offering on the other hand, has decided you use a baby’s pram as it is much easier to push rather than to carry weights depending on the surface. I took a look on line, and while I was not able to find an exact match for the pram provided in the set the overall general detail is pleasing and is within character for prams of the period. The only thing that would have bettered the pram, is to have had spokes wheels as spokes appear to have been more common than semi solid wheel rims. Items that are provided for use with the pram, consists of 3 different picture frames, with 2 prints for each of the picture frame sizes - although I want to know what she is doing with the Mona Lisa.. There are some cases and such provided in the set, and these are intended for use within the pram, but you could of course have the male carrying them and the instruments in the pram.
This is a pleasing release from MiniArt. But I would have liked to have seen at least 1 more figure. The figures overall are generally pleasing, but the females face is very gaunt/sunken, a bit like a recently deceased person. The equipment is a fair mix, but for me the pram is the star of the show.