These sets are sold separately, however as they are all for the same kit they are reviewed here altogether.
They come in rigid cardboard boxes, wrapped in bubble wrap and with the parts in one or more zip bags, so they are very well protected.
The material of all of them is resin, at least in these sets there are no photoetched parts. Some are traditional resin and others are 3D printed. In general the fit is good, both with each other and with the original plastic parts. Note that you may see a little mismatch in these photos, it is because I had already assembled the model and had to remove the glued pieces. In the process it had some minor damage and the plastic may have been slightly deformed as well. Besides, the parts are only placed for the photo, not glued.
Front Grid and Radiator

These are two 3D printed parts. The main differences with the original kit parts are that the space between the front bars is hollow, as in the real vehicle, and that it includes the radiator behind it.
The print is very good, with no noticeable defects or banding. There are also no traces of print supports in visible places. The radiator is a nice piece with a delicate grille. Theoretically you also have to use the plastic part that fits the fan and the fan itself -if you want leave the sides open.

The front panel does not come with the lugs for the chassis, so it is better to leave it as the last part to be attached, in order to ensure it will fit the hood and sides.

Front covered with blanket
This is a large single resin part, representing the front of the Famo with a thick blanket. It has been made in traditional resin, and although the main casting blocks are cut, there are remains inside that must be removed for a correct fit.
The part has no defects, no bubbles or deformations, and completely replaces the hood, sides and the entire front of the model. It is a very nice modification that completely changes the front, providing an original alternative.

Front Wheels
The front wheels are available in two versions, with different thread patterns.
They are traditional resin parts, with the casting block located on the base of the wheel so it can not be seen once the wheels are in place. Again the parts are excellent, without any production faults.
Each set includes the two main wheels plus the spare. The tires bear the manufacturer's markings.

The lower part of the wheel is slightly sagged to represent the weight of the vehicle (except the spare, obviously).
The main wheels are not identical: the markings are positioned differently from each other and even in respect of the rim arms. Although this can be easily overlooked, as they are on opposite sides of the vehicle and cannot be seen at the same time, it says a lot about the manufacturer's attention to detail.
The rim also has the subtle three-part split and the valve.

The locks come separately and are 3D printed. They are free of supports and banding, and fit the rims perfectly. In addition, they come with a choice between the initial model with the rounded valve cutout, and the final model with the square valve cutout.

Canvas doors
The Sd. Kfz. 9 had some kind of doors, made of canvas, for each side of the two rows of seats.
In this case the Pimp My Miniatures set does not replace anything as Tamiya does not supply these parts. They are four pieces of traditional resin, quite thin and well moulded. They have traces of the casting block that can be easily removed with a blade.
The parts fit well in the holes and look very realistic. After removing the casting blocks you can sharpen the edges a little to improve the effect of thin fabric.
They certainly add an original touch to the Famo, and you can choose whether to fit all or just some of them.

Pimp My Miniatures also offers 4 resin parts to replace the seats and backrests of the Tamiya model. These are traditional resin parts with small casting blogs that need to be removed with a knife.
If you want to give a worn effect to the seats, the appearance is better than the original plastic ones, as they have more wrinkles (specially the backrest).

The "cushion" effect on the seats is really nice.
The fit of these parts in the holes of the model is good, replacing the original ones without any problems.

Also here Pimp My Miniatures offers two options, the early F3 corresponding to the Tamiya model and a medium/late F3.
Both are 3D printed. The initial ones have more detail than the originals, including nuts all over the inside face of the wheel, and come in one piece. The front hub is flat instead of a ring, something I have not been able to confirm on period photos.

The medium/late F3 sprocket is much more complex and comes with a separate protection tube with pattern. It is a really nice wheel.
It should be noted that the hole is a little small and it is necessary a drill to enlarge it so it fits the original model axle.

Putting it all together
The three cabin sets used together on the kit

Pimp My Miniatures offers several sets that can be purchased separately in order to improve or change the Famo substantially. You can add a different sprocket, add the weight effect to the front wheels (choosing also the thread pattern), add the radiator with the hollow grid, or add the canvas doors.
All of them will improve the model and make it a different and original kit. The quality of the parts is excellent in all cases, with no defects or problems detected.