If you missed them at the time, this is a good chance to get these volumes. Note that they are only available in limited numbers.
Panzerwrecks 7: Ostfront
What distinguished a Turán I from a Turán II? What happened when a ‘Hummel’ lost an artillery duel? Which Panzers were given to the Bulgarians by the Russians? Where did some of the first Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J’s appear? Why was Kurland important to Berlin? What distinguished an IR capable Panther?
The answers to these and other questions are to be found here in Panzerwrecks 7, with 120 rare and unpublished large-format photographs sourced from Russia and Eastern Europe.

Panzerwrecks 8: Normandy 1
What vehicle did Canadian Intell misidentify, and why? How were the sides of a Möbelwagen constructed? Could Panthers and Tigers suffer ‘catastrophic turret separations?’ Why did a Panzerjäger have a four-digit tactical number? Which unusual vehicle was assigned to Abteilungsstabe of II./ and III./ Pz.Rgt.155? What was ‘tamed by the RAF’?
The answers to these and other questions are to be found here in Panzerwrecks 8, with 123 rare and unpublished large-format photographs sourced from around the world.

Panzerwrecks 9: Italy 1
What interior and exterior modifications did the Pz.Kpfw.III (Fl) have? Sd.Kfz.250/3 with ‘Kurbelmast’: Fact or fiction? Which German unit used the rare M41 90/53 801(i)? How do you drag a Tiger from a muddy riverbed? German troops used what as a ‘fort’ at Anzio? What unusual field mod did the Panzers of II./Pz.Rgt.2 have at Salerno? How were Panzers demolished by their crews?
The answers to these and other questions are to be found here in Panzerwrecks 9, with 137 rare and unpublished large-format photographs sourced from around the world.