When it comes to figure sets that can be depicted riding on vehicles MiniArt is stealing the show due to the number of offerings made available of late. My complaint about the set is down to the end opening card carton that is not up to snuff as regards product protection. Moulding quality is good with a minimal number of gates present. I will say that the sharpness of moulded detail is soft in some cases and is my only qualm as regards the physical product.
The figures themselves are provided in relaxed natural poses and so not stiff in their presentation. The uniform is late war period offering due to simplified pockets and the boots being ankle offerings with puttees. Hand and facial detail is up to normal standards and should be acceptable to most. The weapons and support sprues commonly supplied with MiniArt figures are an excellent addition and an aspect I very highly approve of. I will say I would like to see MiniArt provided photo etch weapons slings and insignia decals for the figures as it would make for an even more desirable product.