About the vehicle (source: Wikipedia):
The OT–64 SKOT (Czech: Střední Kolový ObrněnýTransportér, Polish: Średni Kołowy Opancerzony Transporter) is a floating,rubber-wheeled armored personnel carrier of Czechoslovak-Polish development,developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
The first prototype was completed in 1959, andin 1964 it was regularized in the Czechoslovak People's Army and the PolishPeople's Army. The combat vehicle was manufactured in Poland, at FSC in Lublin,but some components, such as the Tatra engine and Praga gearbox weremanufactured in Czechoslovakia. Serial production ended at the beginning of the1970s, until approx. 4,500 units of the type were produced, a third of thisquantity was exported. The vehicle was deployed in several local wars in theMiddle East, Asia and Africa. At the beginning of the 2000s, the KTO Ryśarmored personnel carrier was developed in Poland with a significanttransformation and modernization of the OT-64 for several tasks and variants,but only prototypes were made of the type.

About the model:
The model is produced by the Slovakian manufacturer Armour Models. They make a lot of interesting and unique vehiclesin 1:35 scale. Back in February of this year, I saw SKOT's first 1:72 scale 3Dprinted prototype at the model competition in Rimavska Sobota, and I liked it even then. The commercial version of the model was ready for the Mosonshow andwas already available at the Armor Models stand.
I have worked with the manufacturer's JT-34conversion kit before, so I was honored to receive a copy from them to reviewand build.

The review of the model:
When I opened the carefully packed set in thecorrugated cardboard box, I was very surprised that the 3D printed parts arenot "only" held by the supports, but are printed in a"box", so they are protected from any possible damage. The parts arenicely developed and not broken down into unrealistically many parts. Printquality is EXCELLENT. The print layers are not visible (which is a hugeadvantage especially in this scale.
I received the assembly diagram on a DVD forthe kit, which includes several color reference photos and drawings, so Ididn't have to hunt for information on the Internet. The model can be assembledin a total of 25 steps. Each step is clearly shown in the construction guide.
For painting, we can choose from a palette ofcolors from several manufacturers: AK-Real Colors, MRP, AGAMA, Vallejo, Mr.Color, Tamiya
I hope that soon, like SKOT's 1:35 scalebrother, the manufacturer will surprise fans of the scale and theme withadditional versions.
Strengths of the kti: Excellent 3D printing,finely crafted details, clear assembly instructions.
Weak points: My copy only had documentation inSlovakian language, but translating this shouldn't be a problem for anyone intoday's world, because "Google is your friend"
The set is definitely highly recommended forlovers of Eastern European themes, as it is considered a rarity in this scale!
Especially recommended for intermediate orexperienced modelers!
The model can be purchased directly from themanufacturer's website: www.armourmodels.sk/