AK Interactive released their first FJ43 kits in 2022. The kits received positive reviews and proved very interesting for the modeling community, as they can be built and finished in various different civilian and military versions. Of course, the kits are not perfect and there is always room for improvement. One of the small, but significant aftermarket upgrades comes from DEF Model: Modern FJ43 SUV Front Grill Set (2) - Late (DM35140).

Please note there is a second set from DEF for upgrading early FJ43 grills (DM35139).
The set comes in small cardboard box. The box art shows the product assembled and installed on AK model.

The set consists of two 3D printed pieces and a small PE fret. The instructions are included as well.

The 3D pieces are nicely printed with no visible imperfections whatsoever. The details are sharp and well-defined. Although there are quite a few printing supports to remove, I don’t think these present any major problems for cleaning the pieces… a bit of a patience, side cutters and some fine-grit sandpaper should do the trick.

The PE fret consists of fine mesh and several Toyota /Toyota Land Cruiser logotypes.

The instructions show how to assemble the set and which PE parts to use for early/late Land Cruiser models.

After cleaning the pieces, the assembly is very much straightforward. Here’s the radiator and front grill after fixing the PE parts, both subassemblies ready to be installed.

The following image clearly shows how much of an upgrade DEF Model set really is. The details in the DEF set, particularly the fine PE mesh and TOYOTA logo, provide a vast improvement compared to the piece supplied with the AK kit.

The reference images found on-line attest the set provides an authentic-looking front grill.

An extra bonus in this set are two small TOYOTA Land Cruiser logotypes, missing on the AK kit, which offer additional authenticity to the model.

Again, the reference image shows a good match.

I can wholeheartedly recommend Modern FJ43 SUV Front Grill Set (2) - Late (DM35140) from DEF Model. The set includes nicely delivered 3D printed pieces and PE sheet, and offers a small, but very significant upgrade to the AK Interactive kits.