MiniArt has released another set of modern period figures in 1/35th scale titled 'Modern Café Visitors Set 2'.


MiniArt has re-visited the café scene with this release offering a Maître D as previously seen in at least 2 sets, but I am not concerned about that as clothing has not really changed in regards to that role in some time. The Maître D is depicted seated and drinking a coffee, with a stool provided on his sprue for that purpose. The customers in the set feature a male and female wearing generic clothing covering a period of possibly the last 30 years or so. The male and female customers are provided on their own sprues. The mouldings are clean for the most part, but minor flash is showing in some areas that will need careful clean up. The hang of the clothing provided for both figures, is natural if a little light in some areas. Both of the individuals are shown drinking, and so I have no concerns about the figures in the set. To accompany them, you are provided with a cast iron coffee table with a single support and a round wooden surface. The chairs provided for the customers are wooden structured, and I would be surprised to find chairs of this style in good condition in a cafe at the present time. That said, I cannot fault them for it.


Looking at this offering from MiniArt, I am happy with the product and I am sure that many of you will find a suitable setting to utilise it in of your choice. My disappointment I will restrict to the start of flash already starting to show in this sample, as a new set should not be exhibiting that. 



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